How are you guys doing? Any plans for the holiday?
Posted by darkelcee at 12/23/2008 10:30:00 AM 26 comments
In everything, we should give thanks. So Jehovah, i give you thanks for my life (despite this post) and for every blogger.
I don dey tire to always apologize for updating so late.... so i wont apologize ok? lol
I dont know who to share this with except my peeps here in blogville.
Please feel very free to reprimand me. Even if na beating, i will come over and take correct spanking!
I used to think i was a smart chic but sometimes i just feel i am plain silly ( let me use a mild adjective) this scene i am about to share is not a script in nolly, holly or bolly wood, it happened to moi!
When no be say i was jazzed? even Jazz suppose clear for my eye abi? but i can be very naive and stupid at times..... chei ( sticking my finger in my mouth shaking my legs and head in the normal yoruba woman style).
I deserve to be spanked really. anytime i think of this incident i feel stupid.....just plain stupid.Abi i no get big sense?
ok, What happened you will ask? A male friend (blogged about him last year )gave moi a lift on saturday. He said i never bothered to know his house blah blah, so i took the opportunity that day and followed him home.
See ehn, i trusted this dude cos na brother in Christ. He was on my case once but dropped it after i insisted that i was not into him. He had since introduced his girlfriend to me ( you get the drift of our relationship?)
So i followed him home sha and saw the basic medical intruments doctors have at home, a Sphig and a Stethoscope. The foolish girl that i was ( abi i am? loll) started fiddling with the Stethoscope trying to feel my pulse. (He had earlier helped with my blood pressure cos i told him i had a low one when i was ill. ) Sha, i couldnt locate any pulse and my foolish mouth will not gree to keep quiet, so i told him and he now said its loudest around the chest area.
Blogville, women dey get chest? (LMAO) I put it on my "chest" still didnt hear anything, so he said it is always loudest towards your armpit ( docs, is that true?) he said he will help me locate it and then i can hear it.
So "Doki" asked moi to lie down to get the pulse in my chest ( does this sound right? ) i reluctantly and stupidly laid down and he started touching my "chest" to locate pulse! By this time my eye don clear say i don enter. After like 5 sec ( which looked like 5 hours to me) he said he had located it and i should hear it on the Stethoscope. ( instrument that landed me into trouble in the first place)
With all alacrity and excitement i said i don hear am.........meanwhile i no hear nada! i stood up and said i was ready to go and he said;
"darkelcee, are you sure you heard your hearbeat(abi na pulse) ? "
Posted by darkelcee at 12/15/2008 05:32:00 PM 25 comments
To God be the glory for the great thing he has done.
He has decided to keep each of us alive against all odds. Thank you Jesus
I am in best of moods guess becos its almost weekend.......
This is gong to be the randomest post ever in the history of blogging.
Ok, its been a long while i know but i have been reading all your blogs and have left comments on a few. how are y'all doing?
I had cause to change my job again (long story for another day) i am actually out of banking , i now work in an ICT company and i am enjoying every bit of it. I am not an engineer oh , i just happen to be in the finance unit.This office na real waoh, here people call each other ma and sir and the new inductees sometimes attempt to kneel while greeting you. ewwwwwwww. (in an official environment) next thing now na iya and baba lagbaja we go dey call ourselves.
Na me go change all that. If you need sir and ma tittle consult your family members. abi now?lol
Like 3 weeks ago i got very sick and for the first time since i was born in the hospital, i slept in the hospital again. it was a terrible experience. i was admitted for acute malaria and very low blood pressure.......Quoting a friend who said "darkelcee this your low blood pressure means you are now hyper-relaxed" (yeye girl). Please how do peeps manage with needle and syringe without crying? The fear alone aided my getting well on time. I left the hospital with chicken pox ( you will say at my age and size abi?) i always thought chicken pox was "designed" for toddlers and children but Yours Truly caught the pox!
Pox Story
My nephew came home early october with the story of a classmate of his who was quarantined for pox, i remembered asking him if he played with him and he was like no way. Three days later he had chicken pox. If only i had moved out, maybe i would have been saved from been miss spoty elcee. My niece was rushed to the hospital for the immunization but guess what? the chicken pox broke out exactly where she got the injection.( na fake immunization dem give am?) When she got it, we all got afraid, because she can be very lousy when she is ill. She started with running after moi with the intention rubbing her body on mine so that i can catch the thing then graduated into saying stuffs like "aunty elcee, you will catch chicken pox in Jesus name" Just imagine the rat!
Her prayers got answered somewhat and i got it, but you know the proverb in Yoruba that Na God dey help chase flies for a tail-less cow, the spots are not so obvious because i am dark!
I am so greatful to God for this my skin colour oh. Chei, you needed to see my nephew when he had his.lolllll
Talking about kids, and kids saying the damndest thing; i was on the phone the other day with my ex and my niece has the habit of wanting to be on talking terms with all my friends.( 4 year old oh who is her set?). she picked the phone and went like "hello uncle.....( mentioning the name of my Fiance). I couldnt stop laughing but my ex didn't find it funny, infact he promised never to call me again then ended the call. Which kain pikin be this? What if i was trying to double date na so she go blow my cover? Well for consolation, she promised to go with me when i marry eventually, abeg which kain loyalty be that? am i her mother?
Thanks for the comment on my last post you guys rock!
I will be back with a proper post soon.
Thoughts in my head.....Why do i have to learn how to drive when i was never taught how to breathe ?
Posted by darkelcee at 11/19/2008 04:02:00 PM 35 comments
Labels: malaria, mia, naughty niece
My peeps, sup?
I know i deserve to be spanked but please accept my apologies.
To God be the glory for keeping us all alive, hale and hearty , for making lines to fall unto us in perfect places and making our inheritance sure!
Thanks for checking up on me, for your moral, spiritual and financial(?lol) support. I really appreciate it.
Would have just write out my Fb address here but I have been watching a lot of Crime and Investigation channel lately and fear just dey catch me for these virtual hook ups. My bible don assure me sha that if God be for me....... but hey what am i feeling like? Obama or Clinton?loll
So i promise to send my id to each blogger. (who knows i might want to take a political post in naija soon and i need your support!)
I am doing quite well, missed one vital wedding (*wink*), missed SBR waoh! I don miss plenty oh, but hey i have plenty gist for you guys and as a repentant blogger i promise to update more often.
August 15th marked my 1 year in blogville. one year of self discovery, you peeps may not know it but you have all contributed in improving my self esteem. Blogville rock!
I need to know your opinion on one issue....... a single lady meets a dude ( husband material.... sebi you know them now?lol) only for you to discover your genotype is AS.( 6months into the relationship oh)
- what will you do? Colntinue or Break off?(pleaseeee give your reasons)
-If the lady insist on continuing; medically is there a way that they can both have a baby with AS at first attempt on child bearing?( Doctors in the house.....lol)
Take good care of you and for bloggers that are not in naija sorry oh cos monday thru wednesday na public Holiday again.
Oh how i love these holidays!!!!!!!
Holiday is coming
No more western avenue crazy traffic
No more checking your time to beat 3rd mainland bridge closure
3 days of bliss!!!!!
My very good friend's birthday is today.
kay, you are my brother from another parent.
you have been a good friend that any one can EVER wish for,
maybe if you were not married with 2 wonderful kids i might have cut eye for you(lol)
Wishing you the very best this new year and i pray God will grant you favour.
blogville, i need you guys to give a shout out to KK!
Posted by darkelcee at 9/27/2008 06:51:00 AM 23 comments
Labels: AS, KK, missing in action part 2
I dont know where to start from but i guess i have to start from the very beginning
I give glory to my maker, my creator, my shield, my rock and my backbone.
I adore you the Almighty,Aji pa Ojo Iku da, (Allied pls interprete) the Prince of peace.
I stand in awe of u and i sing this song with joy in my heart to Him who was , is and is to come.
"Mi o ri ori o Olorun mi me sugbon mo feel e
I feel your prescence Olorun mi ninu aiye mi
I feel your prescence Olorun mi ninu ise mi"
Ok i can do much more but i will reserve that for a quiet time with him.
Why am i praising my Creator?..... its because today is my Birthday and also today is my last day at my current job! I am resuming in somewhere better ASAP.
My new job was a miracle and i will share a bit with you. I told God last year that i want a particular level and i laughed at myself cos attaining that position is impossible especially when its an office thingy ........lo and behold i got that level which is two steps higher than my current position. i thought this feat was only obtainainable only in Primary school where a geek in ur class gets double promotion and leaves his classmate behind? but i got mine not because i am faithful but because of His mercy and love.
My 5th birthday call was from my mum and guess her regulars? after the congratulatory messgaes, she went ......God will give u a good husband, Bone of ur Bone, flesh of ur flesh, u will not marry another person's bone ( o ni gbe egun elegun) and next year its in ur hubby's house" i said amen but couldnt resist laughing. pray tell why are parents like that ?
I am back on blogville for real. Missed you guys so much.
Thanks for your comments on my previous post and God indeed answered your prayers on me.
Well my take on those kids?.....summer holiday will def be in Abeokuta henceforth (with their Grandma) as vacation anywhere else is off for the next 4 yrs? ( is that too lenient?lollll)
Note that i accept gift items and other stuffs for this birthday parri.
Date and venue of the combined party will be communicated soon.
Come one, come all!!!!
Thanks for your massages on FB
c u around!
Posted by darkelcee at 8/06/2008 10:50:00 AM 37 comments
Labels: birthday job offer, cake
hello all
I am well and Good ,Thanks be to God
Just to drop a short one.
I am in the middle of something that is why i have not updated since
Blogville, i need God's favour,kindly join me in prayers.
Thanks for the love,comments and mails, i really appreciate it.
Be assured that you will be the first to know once i am thru with all these plans
Loads of love.
( i still read blogs but i just cant comment yet)
lemme leave u with this, u just got back from your 6-hourly job ( for naija peeps ; 12-15hours) and this scene is played back in your house, what will you do ?lollll
Posted by darkelcee at 7/16/2008 08:03:00 AM 35 comments
Hi all
Thank God for his mercies, we have seen another day hale and hearty
Please join me and shout 24 halleluyah!!!!!(as today is 24th now)
Ok thanks for the love you peeps have shown me because without your comments this blog will be boring (don’t be afraid I aint leaving blogville)
This is going all out to my Lagos peeps……………
Brighten up your Sunday Afternoon @ Terra Kulture in June and July as the Nobel Laureate’s (Wole Soyinka) plays is being staged there.
Tagged Theatre@Terra .Wait a minute, dem no pay me kobo/cent/penny for this advert , but I thoroughly enjoyed my self on Sunday and needed to share it.
It was my 1st time of seeing a staged play (actually my very good friend invited me ….thank God he did) and I am planning on going there till the season is over.
Excerpts from one of the Plays “Trials of Brother Jero”
- While holding a service at the beach, Bro Jero went into trance and started screaming …
“Baba Jami si” lollllllllllllllll ( God reveal everything to me - "Jasi" is a slang, not a regular Yoruba word!)
Later he asked the congregation to dance to Beenie man’s song…..
“Hey move to the left in the name of Jesus (repeat) Move to the right in the name of the lord (repeat) Could I see you just shake that bootie that Jesus gave you (repeat) Shake that bootie in the name of lord (repeat) “ While checking up the female church members’ bootie! (Imagine a pastor leading his congregation to shake that bootie in the name of the Lord!)
Pleaseeeee blogville, take time to go and watch these staged plays and its just N2000…It’s a value for your money.
Where is Laspapi? He must pay me for this unsolicited advert , COT now abi?
And for my peeps that are not in naija presently ….i will try and record a “pirated” copy for u (hope u wont mind the background laughs, giggles and coughs)
I am doing well with my shoes!
Posted by darkelcee at 6/24/2008 09:34:00 AM 45 comments
Labels: Terra kulture, wole shoyinka
Posted by darkelcee at 6/17/2008 07:37:00 AM 40 comments
Howdy all? Weekend and all?
Well, thank God its Monday (even if some of us hate Mondays with a passion)
What is it about Mondays self. I just dont dig that day!
I am sure the hatred went as far back as when i was a toddler. l always cry to school on Mondays.
Now today is Monday and i hate it even more.
I have a big boil (skin abscess) on the lower lid of my left eye.
Picture this : Joe Lasisi(after a thorough trashing by his opponent with his face twice its normal size) trying to display his trophy after winning a major fight (insert;by a stroke of luck of course!).
Even baba Iyabo looks more like Denzel Washington compared with yours truly.
I can barely read blogs. ( Who am i kidding?loll)
I will be back (with a bang) once this boil is off my case.
Someone told me that having a boil in Yoruba land conotes fertility! I am feeling really giddy even with the pain.
........Darkelcee is Fertile.LMAO!
Loads of Love!
Posted by darkelcee at 6/02/2008 11:44:00 AM 64 comments
Posted by darkelcee at 5/26/2008 07:51:00 AM 26 comments
How are you all doing?
Thank GOD it's thursday! ( what's that?)
This not a proper update but got scared of MOMMY and i quickly had to do something fast.
Recently gone through some blogs and read different post on marriage, handling household chores and task.
Sistas, there is no need to worry as help is on the way ( from where? lol)
My take on this is .........
Isn't this just wonderful?
Guys, this is your God-Given ROLE
Do this for me/us and i/we will love you forever.lawllllll
I am out of here!
Somebody help me find SASUKE!
Posted by darkelcee at 5/22/2008 11:26:00 AM 39 comments
Help me blogville, I don’t know how to manage the content of my hand bag. A bigger bag to me means an increased opportunity for more clutter! I actually envy women hat carry smaller bags.
Posted by darkelcee at 5/14/2008 11:43:00 AM 60 comments
I ask:
Do you love me?
The egotistical and defiant,
The treacherous me,
Can you love me?
Do you love me?
The complainant and insensitive,
The cruel me,
Can you love me?
Do you love me ?
The skeptic and distrustful,
The disdainful me,
Can you love me?
Do you love me?
The lonesome and confused,
The hesitant and unpredictable me,
Can you love me?
He answered:
I love you, All of you.
I have loved you,
And will ALWAYS love you,
I will love your strength and weakness
Because my strength is made perfect in weakness.
He loves ME!
Posted by darkelcee at 5/03/2008 08:15:00 PM 45 comments
Labels: God loves me so
I was tagged by Jinta…ahhh .
The rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you to this post-check!
2. Mention the rules in your blog –check!
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours –check!
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them –check!
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged –check!
This meme is about any particular mannerism you have, ok?
Book of Revelations written by DARKELCEE
1) I love cartoons to bits. I don’t know why but I can’t seem to stop.
2) I don’t listen to news. I don’t read it either. I felt that my dad hated me whenever he insisted that I swap SUPERted or voltron force for the 4.00pm news then. I have never picked up the remote control to tune to any news channel in my entire life(except its under compulsion). Had an elderly customer who noticed that I don’t know anything happening around me. He took it upon himself to be “supplying” me with news papers. The man got tired and left me alone after he noticed I was just not IT.
3) I hate water! Ok I have heard so many reasons why I have to drink water but I still don’t like drinking it. ( just remembered I haven't taken any water today and it is 18.02hrs! )
4) I eat rice 24/7. Not rice based meals but pure undiluted rice. White rice and stew, jollof rice, fried rice. I don’t feel good if I miss eating rice in a day!
5) When I defecate, it’s usually with no clothes on. And I always go with a book to read so on the average I spend like 30mins doing the DO. So when next you want to you the toilet and someone is there for like 30mins, then you know its ME.
6) What I think in my heart is always different from my actions. Invariably I cannot coordinate my thoughts and actions
Phewwwww, it's six already Men!
I tag 30+, Sasuke, Rinsola, Vera, Jaycee, Carlang
Posted by darkelcee at 4/29/2008 09:16:00 PM 38 comments
Thank God for keeping us alive because without him we wouldn’t be where we are today.
Join me to sing this song to our Maker, Redeemer and Friend
You are Alpha and Omega
We worship you our God
You are worthy to be praised
We give you all that glory
We worship you our God
You are worthy to be praised.
Ok I am praising God because in everything you must thank God but I am not happy at all.
I had always been an advocate of NOKIA handsets and I’ve never used any other phone type since GSM became a reality in naija.
From 3310 to N80 I have used them all.
- one got stolen at an Owanbe parri
- Gave one out.
- Sold out a couple of them (at a cheaper bargain of course.)
I’m digressing jare, when I bought this bloody nokia N80 in last year,( May precisely) I thought I had purchased the best bargain of a century.
I was planning to rock the phone for a while then sell off and get another cute phone.
Why I went for N80:
-Internet edition (I thought I could browse even inside water)
- It's a slide phone
- Has a large screen
- Large memory size (phone and card)
With all the other features them talk say follow the phone come from heaven (or from where?).
The phone’s problem started when I took it home the very first day I got it. My niece just couldn’t get her hands of the earpiece! She was always fondling it until one day she ate up the foamy cover (don’t know what it’s called please...lollll) of the earpiece.
So I discarded the earpiece and kept on rocking the phone.
My sweet phone became the latest toy in my house! My nephew uses it to perfect his skills on phone game handling (from why chicken crossed the road to snakes) while my niece was trying hard to be beyonce with the voice recorder; she also snaps her pictures every time. (Still have a picture of Richard in BBA 2 on my phone because she took a picture of herself backing the teevee!)
All this time the phone kept on falling at will and I never raised any objection because I thought it’s still the same old NOKIA I knew.(durability and value for your money! )
The phone fell off my hands a couple of times too Ok.
The problem started early this month, I noticed that when I get incoming calls I don’t hear the caller but when I make calls, it’s loud and clear. Later it graduated to both incoming and outgoing calls; yours truly will not hear anything except I use the loudspeakers.
I complained to one of my colleagues and he took my phone to a technician that could work on it. “Doctor” diagnosed my baby with “bad-flex” (whatever that means) and that it must be replaced.
"Ok.How much is flex now?"
The guy said N7, 000. (Please how much is a new phone abeg? lollll)
I left him in annoyance only to get to work and discover another major problem…. When I slid it opened or closed, it displayed different colours which were not a screen saver. Those rainbow displays only meant one thing - the screen too is getting spoilt!
So now my phone has different color spectrum when opened or closed and only regains “composure” after like 30seconds and remember that I still have to switch to loudspeakers to hear my conversation after all these home muveee.
I got pissed and I bought my self this new NOKIA (again u will say? Lolllll)
Why I picked this:
- No Game (and I aint planning to download any!)
- The phone is just a plain Jane!
- No secondary camera for my niece
- Metal casing(anti-scratch)
Even told my niece that it had no voice recorder (a big lie)
Posted by darkelcee at 4/22/2008 06:36:00 PM 45 comments
My peeps
This is to confirm that I keep my promise. Wassssuuuuppppp?
I want to give a shout out to everyone that left a comment on my post. You are the reason I am on blogville. I love you all and I will reply every comment soon.(I am feeling like a Gee se?). I am being lazy and the only time I have to reply all comment is in the nite (at home) and this feat is like trying to go to heaven…….dial-up connection in naija is anti-reply-a-comment. (Am I the only one in this? Both CELTEL & STARCOMMS)
As this post title signifies, these are just thoughts running through my head in the last one week so help examine my head.
I didn’t take Coca Cola on a particular Friday and by Saturday afternoon I felt like an addict suffering a relapse. Abeg Coca cola wan kill me? Had to run all over to get a chilled bottle and I felt better.Haaaa my own don better abi? Carl don get sister for Coke drinking spree.
My peeps at home tried to persuade me to go out with them and the following conversation ensued;
Bro-in-law: Darkelcee, lets go out now because you can’t find husband with this your lifestyle. Your life revolves round Home, Office and Church. You need to go out often to hook up someone? (Please where exactly is this OUT?)
My 6yr Old Nephew: yesssssss now, she has been staying with us since. Mummy says before I was born? When will you go to your house?
See me see wahala, dem dey plan coup-de-tat for me in that house now.
Please, how do oyinbo people think? I noticed that you can actually report a photo on facebook to the authorities! Reasons to report photo Include….nudity/pornography, Drug Use, violence, attacks individual or group. Please the question is wetin concern me to report another person’s picture?(Na jazz dem use carry me go look im profile?) I fit report my own? Who dey check the reports?
If we get our own facebook for naija, hmmmm gongo aso!. The guy in the console to monitor reports will never be at work.Infact, PHCN no go give them light to access reports at all. Fuel scarcity will back up PHCN strongly. And the site will be epileptic that you won’t be able to report anything! All hail NIGERIA!
In the March Edition of Genevieve magazine, i read of a 23yr old naija chic who did breast enlargement / implant for a bloody sum of 4,000 British Pounds! (I dey craze?) I can’t even imagine getting one abi na buy we go call am? (Don’t need to anyway *wink*).
Please, take time out to watch Dr 92010 for a sneak into the getting one. The surgery can be compared with the process of making Asun (barbecued goat).
Heard you can use saline or silicone gel in the stuffing or filling? lollllll
Type 1
A portion of the boobs is opened up and somin that looks like Drip bag (Dextrose Saline) or Pure water bag is “tucked” into the breast and a balloon pump is inserted into the bag and then the pumping start. Air or whatever is pumped into the bag till the desired size is achieved. The “victim” is sown up and she wakes up with a bigger boobs.
Type 2
The “drip-bag” is already filled with the saline/silicone gel they forcefully tucked into the boobs. Pumping is not necessary.
Now the question is can this bag leak? Yes it can!
What if somin happens and it burst? Oh yes it does! You will only need to go for a “refill”.
Or the saline solution start to dry? Abeg, allow me to think like a novice here!
All these James bond moves is for what?
Note that this is not a bloodless surgery. !@#$%^&*_+
The recovery period varies from person to person. After the surgery, the doctor is going to put bandages around the breasts to prevent swelling. The bandages are worn for several days. After they are removed, you will need to use a surgical bra. This bra is designed to prevent excessive pressure and give enough support to your new breasts.For the first few days, the patient experiences pain and swelling.(suffering and smilling!)
The doctor will give you medication for pain.(please doctors should stop giving anything, sebi it is no pains no gain...Chikena!) The discomfort will gradually reduce within 10 days. Some swelling will still remain. The scars will look pink and larger in the beginning, but they will fade as time passes. It may take a couple of months to get back to your fitness routine, but depending on your type of work, within a few days you can return to work. Every case is different, so your doctor will tell you what is right for you……READ MORE
But really how many minutes do we have in naija before we start doing Whacko Jackco moves and our teeth, nose or tongue start falling off?
On a lighter mood!
Posted by darkelcee at 4/11/2008 04:23:00 PM 105 comments
Labels: boobs enlargement, chic, facebook, issues, thots
Where do I start from? I give God all the glory. How was your Easter Break? I bet everyone had the holiday all over the GLOBE? Abi now? I am good but very very tired from my Camp-Out programme. I wonder how parents with 10 children cope especially the mum. Ko easy men.
This is not an update. I'm serious and i promise to update before friday.Infact to be specific 11th April in the year of our Lord 2008!
Just wanted to share this withall the sisters in blogville.
Sista, i need you to raise your two fingers in the air and say oh oh .....then screammmmmmmmmmmm (please what am i feeling like?)
Now to the gist
Twenty five things a sista should not apologize for ............................
1. Never apologize for pursuing what makes you happy. Even if
you need to quit your job, transfer schools, or move across
country, always do what you really want.
2. Never apologize for using proper English. Keeping it real
doesn't mean speaking Ebonics.
3. Never apologize for giving your best in a relationship that
just didn't work out.
4. Never apologize for being successful. Only haters want to
keep you at their level.
5. Never apologize for crying. Wear waterproof mascara and
express yourself.
6. Never apologize for ten pounds you need to lose. People who
truly care about you will accept you as you are.
7. Never apologize for being frugal. Just because you save your
money instead of blowing it on the latest fashion emergency
doesn't mean you're cheap.
8. Don't apologize for being a single Mom. Babies are a
9. Never apologize for treating yourself to something special.
Sometimes you have to show yourself some appreciation. Amen to
10. Never apologize for leaving an abusive relationship. Your
safety should always be a priority. Soooooooo True
11. Never apologize for keeping the ring even if you did not
get married.
12. Never apologize for setting high standards in a
relationship. You know what you can tolerate and what simply
gets on your nerves.
13. Never apologize for saying NO.
14. Never apologize for asking for what you want in bed. If you
don't, then who will?
15. Never apologize for wearing a weave or braids. You bought
it so it's yours.
16. Never apologize to your new friends about old friends.
There's a reason she's been your girl from day one.
17. Never apologize for ordering dessert or more than one
18. Never apologize for dating outside your race. Just because
you found Mr. Right across the color line doesn't mean you
don't love your brothas.
19. Never apologize for demanding respect. You are to always
be treated as a queen.
20. Never apologize for not knowing how to cook. Even if you
can't burn like Grandma you know how to order good take out.
(Right Girl!)
21. Never apologize for your taste in clothes. It's your style.
22. Never apologize for changing your mind, it is your
23. Never apologize for making a decision from your heart, even
if others don't agree. You have to live with the consequences
not them.
24. Never apologize for making more money than your man, you
work hard and you deserve to get paid.
25. Never apologize for being YOU!
Keep your head UP and keep moving"
Buki, He's got your back gurl.
Posted by darkelcee at 4/07/2008 04:19:00 PM 28 comments
Labels: sistas act
Hello all.
Thanks all for the love and response on my last post. It has turned me into a Pastor as I have been praying for a miracle for the next person. Catch your Laptop by fire! Lolll
Now I need to drop these few lines as I will be missing in action as from Friday till Tuesday. I have a camp out to attend and I have been planning on how to have fun. The reason for this season is Jesus. Hope you are his pal?
One major reason why I like naija?
< < < < < Holidays!
This week alone FG has declared Wednesday plus the normal Easter Break (Friday and Monday). I am doing the running man dance (remember Vanilla ice….Ice Baby?) I love holidays- (lazy girl, Infact i am always looking forward to industrial strike!)
Now to the koko of today.
A very close friend shared this thought with me so I want to throw it open. Three of his subordinates resigned in the last two months and each of them took him out for lunch or dinner to appreciate him. I don’t work directly with him but I know him as a wonderful person. I have a female boss, and I think our relationship is that of Tom & Jerry…… (Ogiri leti.. wall has ears!) let me stop there. Lolll Now the question is:
-What is the relationship between you and your boss?
-Can you take your boss out in appreciation for what he/she impacted on you when you resign?
On a lighter mood
Latest blue-tooth in TOWN!
Send my Easter Eggs!
Posted by darkelcee at 3/17/2008 07:22:00 PM 54 comments
Labels: blue-tooth, Boss, easter, relationship
Posted by darkelcee at 3/07/2008 03:35:00 PM 50 comments
Eyin ara mi ninu Oluwa, Se y'all cool?
Hope you are not angry with moi? (*Kiss-kiss*)
Don’t mind me, I have been pretty lazy and the traffic in Lagos is getting crazier by the day. I don’t have a strong koko not to update sha, all my excuses are not tenable but pardon me.
Please, I need a scientist fast, is there any machine Oyinbo can design (or has deisgned) that can process thoughts? I need one to help me write out my post without moving my hands on the keyboard abeg.
Ok, I mentioned that one of my New Year resolutions was to have more fun and probably get hooked but it’s as if the latter is not going well with your gurl.
In the last 3 months or there about,I have met three guys all from different ethnic groups in Naija (only me you will say?) but I no too understand myself whether na my mouth don wide or they are just not normal. Please read on to understand me.
Sunday (Edo man)
Pros: TDH (Tall dark and handsome), engineer, comfortable, BUTTTTTTT
Cons: The boy likes to hear the sound of his own voice! O ti le soro juu. When he calls ehnn? He will talk,talk and talk and the sad part is that I don’t hear nada in all that he his saying. If he realizes that I have been quiet for a while,he will ask if I get him and trust me my ready made response is “yep, no wahala”. Can you imagine he called me for 45mins one day and all I got to answer back was a “yep no wahala” five times?
Turn off: He talks too much. He mentioned one day that on 31st of December he slept till 1st of January. On 31st December, even the devil himself go out to pray or somin but definitely not sleeping!
Edet (Calabar man)
My peep abeg please give a standing ovation for the Calabarians / Calabians. ( abi wetin I go call them again?) If you jam their women you are hooked for life.Their men nko? No dulling for them. Plenty raps and vibes all join. Lol. I heard they are very tidy and extremely trim.
Pros: Striking young man with a British accent, tall (I heard Calabarian are mostly not tall, is this true?), confident. The first day he saw me he got my phone number (to follow up on an issue) and the next thing was a text message from him “darkelcee, why are you so beautiful” Enough efizy!
Cons: This young man is too fast for me, he is on the fastest lane with a formula 1while I am just starting with my bettle. (lol). The first day he asked me out was to a Friday night gig and he was like I will sleep at his place till the next morning? E gbami (some pls save me)! Which type sleep be that ? Last month he recharged my phone only for him to come 3 days later and said I should quickly give him N1,000 to buy ice cream, i no see Calabar boy's brake light. Two weeks ago he came that he needed to use some amount of money and I also gave him (I no wan mention the amount before you will spark face for me). No story on the refund till now. I be world bank? Even the loans and grants World Bank give has offer conditions abi? The boy wan make me Sugar mummy? I have given him the boots I don’t like men that think they are smart. Do you know he flashes me(Crazy Flasher) and when I call him he is like why didn’t you pick up? I use Gongo aso by 9ice as my ring tone and his call has ended before the intro starts!
Turn Off: He is a leech! His types are just freeloaders.
Oladipupo(Yoruba Man)
Pros: Born Again, Medical Doctor, Handsome etc
Cons: short and too loud! I met him in one church activity like that and I was hearing his voice from the back! When he talks you will never imagine the sound is coming from his small frame. I doubt if he can whisper? I just can’t stand boisterous peeps. I secretly call him MTN (Every where you go)
Turn Off: He feels he is the only one that went to school. Because he did 10yrs (plus A.S.U strike) in school does not mean my 5 years is a waste or i am not as intelligent as he is. Always forming activity.
So that is it. I am done with them.
Planning on concentrating on me and have fun. I am pushing these guys out of my mind.Turning them to buddies until a prince in shinning armour comes! (king Arthur?)
We are having another team bonding session in my office this weekend and I plan to have a very pleasurable moments.
Abeg those are not their real names!
Posted by darkelcee at 2/27/2008 07:04:00 AM 35 comments
Posted by darkelcee at 2/14/2008 10:48:00 AM 43 comments
what's been happening to you ?
The harmattan in Lagos ehn no easy at all. My peeps use to say that this type of weather kills elderly people fast. Even as young as i am i was almost swept away, Opelope annointing!(if not for anointing).
I got this in my mail box and i feel like sharing it with you.
This story was written by a doctor who worked in South Africa .
One night I had worked hard to help a mother in the labor ward; but in spite of all we could do, she died leaving us with a tiny premature baby and a crying two-year-old daughter. We would have difficulty keeping the baby alive, as we had no incubator (we had no electricity to run an incubator). We also had no special feeding facilities. Although we lived on the equator, nights were often chilly with treacherous drafts. One student midwife went for the box we had for such babies and the cotton wool that the baby would be wrapped in. Another went to stoke the fire and fill a hot water bottle. She came back shortly in distress to tell me that in filling the bottle, it had burst (rubber perishes easily in tropical climates). "And it is our last hot water bottle!" she exclaimed. As in the West, it is no good crying over spilled milk, so in Central Africa it might be considered no good crying over burst water bottles. They do not grow on trees, and there are no drugstores down forest pathways. "All right," I said, "put the baby as near the fire as you safely can, and sleep between the baby and the door to keep it free from drafts. Your job is to keep the baby warm." The following afternoon, as I did most days, I went to have prayers with any of the orp hanage children who chose to gather with me. I gave the youngsters various suggestions of things to pray about and told them about the tiny baby. I explained our problem about keeping the baby warm enough, mentioning the hot water bottle, and that the baby could so easily die if it got chills. I also told them of the two-year-old sister, crying because her mother had died. During prayer time, one ten-year old girl, Ruth, prayed with the usual blunt consciousness of our African children. "Please, God" she prayed, "send us a water bottle. It'll be no good tomorrow, God, as the baby will be dead, so please send it this afternoon." While I gasped inwardly at the audacity of the prayer, she added, "And while You are about it, would You please send a dolly for the little girl so she'll know You really love her?"
As often with children's prayers, I was put on the spot. Could I honestly say, "Amen"? I just did not believe that God would do this. Oh, yes, I know that He can do everything, the Bible says so. But there are limits, aren't there? The only way God could answer this particular prayer would be by sending me a parcel from my homeland. I had been in Africa for almost four years at that time, and I had never, ever received a parcel from home. Anyway, if anyone did send me a parcel, who would put in a hot water bottle? I lived on the equator! Halfway through the afternoon, while I was teaching in the nurses' training school, a message was sent that there was a car at my front door. By the time I reached home, the car had gone, but there, on the veranda, was a large twenty-two pound parcel. I felt tears pricking my eyes. I could not open the parcel alone, so I sent for the orphanage children. Together we pulled off the string, carefully undoing each knot. We folded the paper, taking care not to tear it unduly. Excitement was mounting. Some thirty or forty pairs of eyes were focused on the large cardboard box. >From the top, I lifted out brightly colored, knitted jerse ys. Eyes sparkled as I gave them out Then there were the knitted bandages for the leprosy patients, and the children looked a little bored. Then came a box of mixed raisins and sultanas - that would make a batch of buns for the weekend. Then, as I put my hand in again, I felt the.....could it really be? I grasped it and pulled it out - yes, a brand-new, rubber hot water bottle. I cried. I had not asked God to send it; I had not truly believed that He would. Ruth was in the front row of the children. She rushed forward, crying out, "If God has sent the bottle, He must have sent the dolly too!" Rummaging down to the bottom of the box, she pulled out the small, beautifully dressed dolly. Her eyes shone! She had never doubted! Looking up at me, she asked: "Can I go over with you and give this dolly to that little girl, so she'll know that Jesus really loves her?" That parcel had been on the way for five whole months. Packed up by my former Sunday school class, whose leader had heard and obeyed God's prompting to send a hot water Bottle, even to the equator. And one of the girls had put in a dolly for an African child - five months before, in answer to the believing prayer of a ten-year-old to bring it "that afternoon."
"Before they call, I will answer" (Isaiah 65:24) This awesome prayer takes less than a minute. When you receive this, say the prayer,... that's all you have to do. No strings attached. Just send it on to whomever you want - but do send it on. Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards.
Let's continue praying for one another... Father, I ask you to bless my friends reading this right now. I am asking You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self doubting, release a renewed confidence to work through them. Where there is tiredness or exhaustion, I ask You to give them understanding, guidance, and strength as they learn submission to Your leading. Where there is spiritual stagnation, I ask You to renew them by revealing Your nearness, and by drawing them into greater intimacy with You. Where there is fear, reveal Your love, and release to them Your courage. Where there is a sin blocking them, reveal it, and break its hold over the lives of my friends. Bless their finances, give them greater vision, and raise up leaders and friends to support and encourage them. Give each of them discernment to recognize the evil forces around them, and reveal to them the power they have in You to defeat it. I ask you to do these things in Jesus' name.
. "Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet."
Take that step today and talk to God about it.
"Before they call, I will answer" (Isaiah 65:24)
Posted by darkelcee at 1/31/2008 10:20:00 AM 32 comments
Posted by darkelcee at 1/22/2008 09:47:00 AM 96 comments
Labels: barber, side-burns
Happy New Year to y’all
Sorry I did not update on time.
I thought this time of the year will be pretty free for me but ALAS!, was wrong (lol). I mean January is a month where people would have emptied their accounts for the much awaited December vacation/Holiday and then arm folding will start, but my peeps are now super-sharp, come and see plenty people in the banking hall? O su mi men!
How was your Christmas and New Year holiday? I have gone round almost all the blogs my hands can click on and I discovered everyone had loads and loads of fun. Can you believe I did not have any?
Where do I start?
24th December…. Got a mail, I was nominated for a bloody reconciliation at my head office and that yours truly should prepare to sleep over. You will not believe I was in there till 30th! Every single night (6pm – 6am). I had free periods in the morning but I mean I was just busy sleeping. But mennnnn!, it is not easy working during the night at all.
31st December…………..went to church to pray about my life . I need to have an exciting one in 2008 (lol).
1st January………. Went to one of these eateries and it turned out to be a big mistake, I regretted going there self. ….., had to check out 3 places before I made up my mind on just staying in one as I didn’t want to go back home, each was filled to the brim and they all had a deejay blasting all sorts of music you can think of. All pretty too loud for a reasonable human being.
2nd January….resumed work and I have been busy since then lol!
So that was how I spent my last holiday ……………pretty boring se?
Well I have made up my mind to have a blast this year…..part of my New Year resolution, lol!
Sat back and ran through my life in 2007, I thank God for life and sound health but I did not maximize the resources I had at my disposal. I need to work on so many things about myself.
Initially felt this might be too heavy for the first post in the year but hey what the heck!
Here is the issue, I don’t have close allies (male or female, none at all) I only have acquaintances/friends. Get me right, I am not egotistical or haughty but I just can’t make close friends or rather I can’t keep them (that sounds more like it).Yours truly cannot wake up and say I’m going to see a friend. My typical day…… I watch T.V all through, all sorts, from cartoons to comedy. It’s so bad that we had a team bonding session in my office and I was just yelling like a 3 year old girl (all because I have not had such fun in a very very long time). Please what is wrong with me? Lol!
You all know this song done by Celine Dion….when I fall in love it will be forever? This has never been my case. In 2007, I met someone and now He is gone! It is my entire fault. I think I “stepped” in love with a part of me outside of the relationship. I have never been raped or abused but I just can’t let go! Am I selfish?
I have never been inclined to have a sexual relationship with a female (abeg o, before you start thinking evil thoughts). I go into a relationship with a ‘win-win’ attitude so I ended up not giving my all to keep it. Am I normal? Yours truly cannot sing this verse like Celine, “When I give my heart, it will be completely!
I have been asking myself if I am selfish or something but the bottom line is I need help! My life is too monotonous.
Send in your advice fast because I desire to change for the better this 2008
Ops, I also procrastinate a lot. How do I stop that too? Lol!
Hugs and kisses
Posted by darkelcee at 1/11/2008 08:19:00 PM 21 comments